My Inner Compass

We have all been equipped with an internal compass to navigate the complexities of our physical reality. As a new-born, you were completely in touch with who you were, how you felt, and what you wanted and needed. You demanded and expected your needs and desires to be met. You were also open and able to trust and love unconditionally. You acted from your inner truth and essence.

However, very early in life, everywhere you looked, you found people, authorities, and institutions telling you how you should behave, what you should look like and what feelings and emotions are acceptable or not; which ones you are allowed to express and share, and which ones you should deny or suppress.

So over time, you were convinced, like most people, that in order to function in the world you have to “follow the rules of the game”. In conforming, you shut the inner compass to be accepted and blend in. While your ego was shaped, as a self-image considered appropriate, functional or acceptable, you slowly lost touch with your true feelings and desires – with your inner voice. Unfortunately, living out of touch with your true self, can never bring happiness, peace or fulfilment, no matter how successful you may be in the external world

The sense of dissatisfaction that this misalignment creates, in any aspect of your life, is what tells you that you need to look within and shift your direction and/or your perspective. This is your Inner Compass at work.

The sense of dissatisfaction that this misalignment creates, in any aspect of your life, is what tells you that you need to look within and shift your direction and/or your perspective. This is your Inner Compass at work.

To know who you really are, you must look inward and become familiar with your own inner landscape. This involves being true to yourself and living authentically from deep within your core. The self-knowledge that lives deep within your core can be accessed through introspection and reflection. When you develop and maintain intimate self-knowledge, you can start to build understanding of your own nature, values, yearnings, preferences, motivations, abilities and limitations.

Our core character is a sort of internal compass with which we navigate our way through life. In fact, your Inner Compass is like your emotional GPS. The way that we choose to define ourselves creates the boundaries within which we live our lives. It directs how we think, how we behave and how we ultimately experience the world.

When you make it a point to live by your Inner Compass, you experience a sense of certainty, authenticity, congruency and inner peace. On the other hand, feelings of unease, of something missing, of not finding your place, of being off-centre, or conflicts with others are indicators that there is a disconnection within.

I received a Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release session from Prana not long after I had experienced a miscarriage. As a result of the miscarriage, I had been experiencing lots of grief, depression and anger, which just did not seem to be moving, no matter how much I cried.

I felt fully received by Prana without judgement, which allowed for a deep trust and the confidence to let go and surrender to the process. Her voice, her touch and guidance all supported me in releasing a huge amount of emotional holding in my body.

Prana has the capacity to meet her clients in the depths, and at the same time, possesses the lightness and playfulness to ensure that we can also come out of the depths and into a softer, lighter version of oneself. My session with Prana allowed me to acknowledge and celebrate all the facets of myself, as well as release so much of what I had been holding on to. I highly recommend her.

Natalie Keany

Therapeutic Breathwork Coach

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Contact me today to open up to the wealth that lives within you.
And start to reconnect with your Inner Compass: and rediscover the magnificent and unique being you truly are!